BK2OV2 - Structuur en Detail

Design Informatics is responsible for the digital modelling track within the BK2OV2 course. Next to the digital modelling track, BK2OV2 consists of a hand sketching and a model construction track. The digital modelling track is aligned with the preceding course BK1TE2 and prepares the students with the necessary skills for the successive course, BK2ON2. 
The digital modelling track introduces the use of CAD in the design process. The course consists of two parts. In the first five weeks of the course, students remodel their hand drawn designs from the BK1ON1 course now using a CAD program. They do so at different scale levels, they draw a 1:100 plan, a 1:50 section and finally a 1:20 fragment of a façade. By using these different scale levels, they get a sense of the level of detail (or level of information). Also, different scales allow and require different presentation techniques. The  
The second part centres on a modern way of designing, namely 3D modelling and parametric design. Students start again by redrawing a design but now in 3D. The point of departure is this time the physical model they made at the model construction track. This model is redrawn scale 1:1 in 3D and subsequently they generate 2D drawings – in a sense mimicking advanced BIM modellers. The focus is this time more on presentational techniques