AR0051 - Digital Portfolio

This course will run for a whole semester, during which we will help you create a web-based portfolio of your own products, with the main objective to be able to present yourself in a digital way, with hints for the binary do's and dont's.

After a general introduction on portfolios, there will be focus on three aspects of the presentation portfolio: use(r), content and character. These aspects will be assessed by analysis, reflection and application in a circular way. During the course, criteria will be explored that can provide a solid base for decision making in the creation process of the portfolio. In this process, we will also actively approach the portfolio-user-market in order to form a clear picture of the intended ‘users’. Besides these “soft” aspects of portfolio design, the technical aspects also will get attention. The programme offers support for different web based tools/environments like HTML, CSS and JavaScript.
The following topics give a general overview of the exercises:

analysis of existing portfolios (on all kinds of media and disciplines)
research of requirements of the intended user
analysis of websites (on function and structure)
selection of products
design and construction of the portfolio
All excersises will require a reflection on the other's work, in order to generate a critical attitude towards one's own work.